Excited to be speaking at Microsoft Ignite The Tour in Milan on Jan 27-28. Join me to learn how to use Azure Platform As A Service (PaaS) to design your apps with Elasticity, Resiliency & High Availability and how to Accelerate your web applications with the Azure Front Door Service.
IT industry-leading conference is going to Milan. Don’t miss the very latest in cloud technologies and developer tools with guest speakers, industry experts, and more.
I will deliver two sessions:
A 45 minutes Breakthrough session, where I will talk about how to use Azure Platform as a Service (PaaS): Design your apps with Elasticity, Resiliency and High Availability very easy, fast and secure. Session code: BRK30169
Session link: https://milan.myignitetour.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions/91113?source=sessions
And a 15 minute Theater session, where I will talk about how to accelerate your web applications with Azure Front Door Service. Use the Azure WAN, 130+ edge sites with WAF & Layer 7 Load Balance at a global scale. Session code: THR30089
Session link: https://milan.myignitetour.techcommunity.microsoft.com/sessions/91114?source=sessions
YFeel free to find me at the Microsoft Showcase, where I will answer all your questions, discuss about Cloud Technologies and the future of our industry!
Grab your ticket at https://www.microsoft.com/it-it/ignite-the-tour/milan
See you at Milan!
![Pantelis Apostolidis](https://www.e-apostolidis.gr/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/mvpsummit2019.jpg)
Pantelis Apostolidis is a Sr. Specialist, Azure at Microsoft and a former Microsoft Azure MVP. For the last 20 years, Pantelis has been involved to major cloud projects in Greece and abroad, helping companies to adopt and deploy cloud technologies, driving business value. He is entitled to a lot of Microsoft Expert Certifications, demonstrating his proven experience in delivering high quality solutions. He is an author, blogger and he is acting as a spokesperson for conferences, workshops and webinars. He is also an active member of several communities as a moderator in azureheads.gr and autoexec.gr. Follow him on Twitter @papostolidis.